
Tuesday 4 August 2009

Fake Tan Stories

Like everyone I love having a tan! A tan makes our skin look glowing and healthy, gives us a boost of confidence, even changes the way we dress and put makeup on. I feel happier with a tan and feel i can experiement more with makeup and fashion. I find that i dont need to wear as much makeup or bronzer when i have a tan. I don’t use sunbeds and although I love holidays I would rather fake it than bake in the sun. The most depressing thing is building up a great tan on holiday to then peel and loose it 2 weeks later when you return :( When I do go out in the sun I use factor 25/20 on my body then I go down to factor 15 when I have a little bit of colour. I HATE sunburn and strap marks – my pet hates! I also use factor 30 on my face as im paranoid about getting wrinkles – I definitely don’t want leather looking skin when im older! I have got and tried lots of different sun creams so I shall write a blog on those too!

Over the years i have tried alot of different brands of fake tan, ranging from super expensive to dirt cheap. Some are good, some are OK and others are terrible! I have a huge basket of fake tanning products - you could say i was a little obsessed! I have had some really good experiences of achieving the perfect realistic tan - the best for me being a super spray tan by a celeb spray tanner to all the stars in leeds - called hollywood airbrushing tan at a freshers fayre. I look back at the photos and i look like i have been away on holiday. The tan looks fab and lasted around 10 days too - its the only tan i found not to become patchy after a few days too! The fab thing about spray tans is you can even contour your face and body to appear slimmer and look more toned - guys can even appear to have more muscles and create a perfect 6 pack! Along with the good i have also had some horror stories too!

My first experience of applying fake tan was a complete disaster! I when i was about 13 i was looking through my older sisters fashion magazine - and spotted that it came with a free sample sachet of fake tan. i cant remember the brand but it was an expensive designer beauty brand! So i got excited and thought id give it a go....i slapped the whole sachet on my face and of course my hands not knowing then about gloves, mitts or worrying about lines or turning orange! I left it on over night and well the next was a case of you've been tangoed! I was orange and whats worse was i had a lovely tide mark around my neck and both hands! I also had orange palms! It wouldnt of been so bad as my school jumper would of hidden the lines on my hands but that particular day i had drama where we had to wear t-shirts! So you can imagine what i looked like! lol I remember the teacher telling me to go and wash off 'all that makeup' thinking it was foundation!

Another time i was getting ready for a big night out with my friends and my friend saw a bottle of spray tan on my floor - i believe it was the peachy smelling garnier ambre solaire one. She said oh ill spray tan you! Anyway the bottle must of been nearly empty as she had only done one side and the bottle had ran out!! We didnt have time to do anything about it and all the shops had shut, so i had to go out with one side tanned, one side pale :(
I remember another time i thought it would be a good idea to apply my fake tan and let it develop whilst i was out. The next day i had marks where my shoes had been.....never tried doing that again!

What are your fake tan horror stories?

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha...Your first story brought back some memories for me..
    I think a lot of girls have tan horror stories like this, thanks for sharing:-)



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