
Wednesday 7 March 2012

Review: Blue Illume Toothbrush

I am very excited to tell you about a new blue light technology toothbrush called Blue illume from Sweden, which is soon hitting the UK. Blue Light Technology has been scientifically proven to have an positive effect on teeth and gums, not only cleaning teeth but inhibiting bacteria, which is the cause of plaque and gum disease, but not only that but and you can expect noticeably whiter teeth after you have been using it for a month with normal toothpaste!

The toothbrush is good quality, very comfortable to hold and has a rubbery texture all over the handle. The brush head has medium pressured bristles but the main feature is when you push the button on the handle, there are two blue lights that light up. Blue Light is completely safe to use and acts with the oxide components in toothpaste to give a cleaner, fresher and whiter smile.  

It is recommended that you use normal toothpaste with the Blue illume, but if you use whitening toothpaste the whitening results shall occur much quicker, however it is not recommended to use a toothpaste containing baking soda or hydrogen peroxide long term.

I was lucky enough to get to try the Blue illume toothbrush and I noticed a difference after the first use - my teeth felt much cleaner and whiter, I did use whitening toothpaste, but I'm all for a whiter smile! It is quite fun to use with the blue light in the dark and overall I'm really pleased and I shall be continuing to use to keep my teeth healthy.   

You can purchase the Blue illume toothbrush directly from their website and if you 'like' the Blue Illume Facebook Page you will be eligible for free shipping if you order online and it costs around £12.50, which I believe is very reasonable and far cheaper than paying for expensive professional teeth whitening or purchasing an electronic toothbrush. 

Are you looking for whiter teeth? Will you be trying the Blue illume?

*This post is sponsored by Blue Illume


  1. I really would find it cool to have a lighted toothbrush but what is more important is its effect to my teeth. And of course, I hope this is affordable. liberty mo dentist

  2. This is the first time I ever saw this product, I'll be sure to give this a try. Thanks a lot.
    dentist studio city ca

  3. It is good that there are making toothbrushes that gives better care to our teeth. This might be a little more expensive but if it is really effective, I would like to give it a try. Dentist Woollahra

  4. I learned about this from a dentist in Fredericksburg VA. She recommended me to use this since I got yellowish teeth.

  5. I wonder if my cosmetic dentist in Atlanta would recommend me this, however based on your post, it seems to be effective. I have a problem with my yellowish teeth since it has been naturally yellow already.

  6. I had my dental consulting session with my dentist last week and he suggested me to use these. I am having problems with my teeth color because I often drink coffee. I hope this is effective.

  7. Fantastic post and Thanks for sharing this informative post. It's very helpful.

    Studiocity dental


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