Tuesday 20 March 2012

Healthier Eating with Quorn

This year one of my aims is to lead a healthier lifestyle and diet. I would say even though I allow myself treats I eat fairly well most of the time and although there are improvements I could make I do enjoy cooking and I want to be able to eat nice meals. I am a meat eater and I don't think I could ever become a veggie, as much as I like vegetables, I would miss bacon butties, steak and roast chicken too much!

I recently went to my sister's for dinner and she made Lasagne and asked if I noticed anything different...which I couldn't! She told me she had used Quorn mince and I honestly couldn't tell the difference! I must admit that I have never really thought of using Quorn instead of meat before and I didn't realise that they do bacon, chicken fillets, steak and even a roasting joint! The main constituent of Quorn, is a naturally occurring, high quality, healthy form of protein and it replicate the taste and texture of meat exceptionally well, as well as containing less fat.

If you and your family haven’t tried Quorn before, try making one of their favourite meals with it and see if they notice the different? You can find Quorn recipes on their website, and you can make the dishes (or try some of your own recipes but replace meat with Quorn substitute) and upload pictures and share recipes to the Facebook Wall.

Have you tried Quorn? Did you notice a different in taste?

*This post has been sponsored by Quorn 



  1. I tried Quorn for the first time about 2 weeks ago. It is good. I noticed a difference in the texture (mine was a peppered steak) but maybe I wouldn't have been able to tell if I didn't know. Will def going to try the other variety, as I'm trying to lower my cholesterol.

  2. I used to be vegetarian before I had my children and Quorn was a huge part of my diet. Now I'm trying to lose the baby weight I'm using more of it again and I think sometimes I prefer it! I definitely prefer Quorn mince now. THe only thing I'm not so keen on is the bacon. It's quite often cheaper, so good for your pocket too!

  3. Hi, I love good low-fat meal and use Quorn all the time. Unlike mince, you know you're never going to get those nasty gristly bits, it's cheap, and you can cook it from frozen. I add a teaspoon of Bovril to mine to make it a tad meatier ;)x

  4. I'm veggie myself and using the quorn mince is fab, even none vegetarians would like it because it doesnt have any of those nasty grizzly bits. :)

  5. I'm a veggie too and eat quorn most days. I really like the chicken nuggets, i use them to make "chicken" Caesar salad. But I love the mince in chilli con carne, tacos...everything. People often think veggies miss out on stuff, but with quorn there's no need to. xx

  6. I've been a vegetarian pretty much all my life and always use quorn mince for lasagne. Since moving in with my carnivorous bf he's happy to eat it too- in his view it's cheaper and tastes better than low quality meat. Other quorn pieces I can recommend are the chicken pieces and meatballs. :)

  7. I have to say, Quorn is not bad at all. For me, it can't begin to compete with the flavour of meat, however the mince is massively time saving as you can cook it straight from the freezer or get the chilled version and it takes no time to cook. I certainly won't be going veggie because of it, but it is a fast, healthy alternative to keep in the freezer.

  8. I love quorn mince for spagbol as it isn't greasy like normal mince and there's no grissly bits. I also use the meatballs, chicken pieces and the sausages. I'm not a vegetarian but I am finding that I'm going off meat because of the taste! I feel healthier and don't feel bad having a second helping of bolognaise with quorn as I know it's alot less in fat and calories!


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